^^I have to listen to this on the drive to work, sometimes at lunch, and sometimes on breaks. Cuz it’s exactly what I’m feeling and thinking all the damn time.

In other news: I have a lot to say, just no “oomph” to get it out.

Wednesday, October 3rd- Single Mama Blues

Typical day:

4 am- wake up to do work, write scripts or breakdowns, respond to emails, etc.

7 am- wake up Aminah, get her and myself showered and dressed and do her hair. 

8 am- clean up the kitchen after the dog, make Aminah’s breakfast and lunch, feed Aminah, feed the dog, and try to get out the door by 8:30

8:45- carry the heavy ass stroller down the steps while also carrying Aminah and all the stuff we have to bring to work/daycare every day, and actually get out the door. Walk to work/daycare

9:05- drop Aminah at daycare.

9:15- get to work

9:45- actually get into work 

5:45- leave work, pick up Aminah, walk home

6:15- make it home, carry the heavy ass stroller up the stairs, along with all the “stuff” and the baby, clean up the kitchen after the dog, make dinner

7:00- feed Aminah and myself

7:30- clean up after Aminah, clean kitchen yet again

8:15- sit down, call my mom and grandparents, play with Aminah, unwind

9:00- take Aminah to bed. go to bed.


My week has generally been like this, but instead add the fact that my back has been hurting like crazy and I have to carry Aminah up and down the steps because she can’t go on her own.


Yo, I’m seriously tired. 

October 2nd

It is rainy, windy, chilly. It’s hard to believe but the leaves are falling all over, being carried in the wind. Typical New England autumn. This weather and this season make me want to always be snuggled up to someone. I never want to get out of bed unless to make a cup of tea, take a hot shower, or go out in search of the most delicious of foods. Times like these I wish I had a partner in crime for low-key  adventures and good conversations and long naps. Tis all.