Sunday October 21st


It’s kinda been feeling like a black cloud’s been hanging over everyone recently. There’s been alot of bad news going around. I’m praying for a veil of protection over my loved ones.

School is painful. I’m trying my best to hang in there but it is really uninteresting, unhelpful, and all around ungood.

I’m feeling extra sensitive today. Extra tired. Extra lazy. Extra extra. Thinking of calling out tomorrow and not doing a damn thing all day, but need to save my sick days for Mental Health emergencies.

It’s really hard to believe there’s only 2 months left in the year. On one hand I’m sad because the year flew by and NOTHING worthy of mention happened. At all. And on the other hand I really just want the year to end. Time for a fresh start. You never know what could happen in these next two months though, I guess. God willing: GOOD THINGS. AMAZING THINGS.

I used to think celibacy was pointless and something just not for me, but now I’m considering it. I’m also thinking of experimenting with a snail-paced, monogamous relationship. I will never get what I want if I keep doing what I’m doing. Maybe the opposite will open the right doors.


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