Testimony time

I am a renewed believer. The past week have been filled with so many emotions that I don’t even know where to begin. My emotionometer went from calm to tears to confusion to anger to peace in a matter of minutes. I left my last job in December for various reasons. They weren’t paying me enough for the job they required me to do, management was awful and I’m a college graduate fighting for hours in a department store. Let’s be real about this situation. I was consistently saying “this can’t be my life” yet everyday I took the journey to the place that made me miserable just so I can never ask anyone for diapers or food for my son. Although that’s all the damn money can buy. After factoring in transportation, food and other necessities I would be thanking God I didn’t overdraft. Needless to say, they gave me an opportunity out and I took it and that has come with various emotions. I can suffer by myself but not with my child. The stress of it all is unbearable. I HATE asking for handouts and I HATE thinking that someone else’s money is supporting my toddler. So for the last four months I have been depressed because I can’t find a job that I like that pays me the money that I need. I need to be able to advance. Pay my dues in a company and know that in a few years my money will increase because I got that promotion or used my experience to get a better paying job. I went on interviews in agencies and never got a callback but i was secretly happy because I do not want to be any one’s administrative assistant. I do not want to offend anyone who is and I did it before but it’s not for me. I want to work independently on projects and know that I did something great versus picking up a phone and transferring calls. I have a friend that loves doing it..she found her calling in life. I, on the other hand, want more. I also went on this interview to fill a role for someone who will be on maternity leave. The job is only 4 months guaranteed with a possibility of being given a full time opportunity depending on various factors like work ethics and the amount of projects they have. I was amped to say the least. Didnt get it!! They decided to go with someone with more experience. I cried and went into depression mode. They told me that they loved me and would like to keep in contact with me if new projects comes up. I said “great” but I wanted to slap someone. Little did I know that the new project would be two weeks later. Apparently the person they hired isnt working out so they let her go and now they want to do a test run on Monday. I am going to bust ass because this could be my big break 🙂 sooo excited. I have waited so long for my window of opportunity because every door possible has been closed in my face. Some partly because I was young and dumb but others because that’s life. But you gotta remember to keep going even when going through hell because at some point you will make it out of there. Some times you are offered that mulligan even when you don’t deserve it. Your attitude really does matter because in situations like these when you have no experience, companies will remember your smile and enthusiasm. Some times you do get that call back. In a world of nos you really only need that one yes to get you where you need to be. Some might ask why I’m so excited about a temp position but in the world of market research, any experience is better than none. This company can keep me or I can become their “consultant” and work on projects but either way their name will be on my résumé. I can move up with them or ask for a reference to go else where. Do you know how much these people can make with experience? I’m on my hustle yet again and all I wanted to do was feel like I’m making progress. I believe that even small opportunities will set you up for a life time of blessings. This might be a drop in the bucket but one day my bucket will overflow. Continue striving and take opportunities as they come. Who knows??? Maybe Monday won’t work out but I’m going to go in there and show then why they need me. 🙂 be blessed

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